Tickets are sold inside the church starting at 7 pm on December 20! To reserve your tickets, call +43 699 1804 0102.
Kartenverkauf am 20. Dezember ab 19:00 Uhr in der Kirche! Um Karten zu reservieren, rufen Sie +43 699 1804 0102 an.
The Diva and the Fiddler
Who: The Diva and the Fiddler: Diana Jacklin, Soprano & Hartmut Ometzberger, Violin
Where: VIENNA: Kirche St. Anna, Annagasse 3b 1010 Vienna (off of Kärtnerstrasse in city center: scroll down for map)"The most beautiful Baroque church in Vienna"
When: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 7:30 pm
What: EIN LICHT ZUR WEIHNACHTSZEIT, ein ganz besonderes Weihnachtskonzert mit Kerzenlicht.
A LIGHT AT CHRISTMAS TIME, an exquisite Christmas concert with Candlelight.
The most unique Christmas concert in Vienna!
Tickets: €25 (Children up to 18 years: €15) Tickets are sold inside the church door starting at 7:00 pm before the concert begins. To reserve, call: 0699 1804 0102
Duration: 75 minutes (Die Kirche ist geheitzt. The church is heated.)
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The Vienna tourist website VIENNA UNWRAPPED named Ein Licht zur Weihnachtszeit the BEST CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN VIENNA.
Photo Credit: Vienna Unwrapped
What audiences are saying about The Diva and the Fiddler's Christmas Concert:
“Nach diesem Konzert glaube ich fast wieder an das Christkind!
After this concert, I almost believe in Christkind again!”
“Hearing Hartmut play the Biber Passacaglia (“The Guardian Angel”) was 10 minutes of heaven! I had a very stressful day at work, and this concert made me feel so much better.”
“You left me leaving Kirche St. Anna with a very strong nostalgia. I was beginning to fear the fast pace I have been living at in the past years, coupled with an intensity in travels that barely allows for contemplation, has led to an immunity to feeling, but your concert left me feeling so happy. The concert was truly beautiful! It makes Christmas what it is meant to be about.”
Press on the link below to LEARN MORE about The Diva and the Fiddler:
See you there!
NEED HELP FINDING Kirche St. Anna? Find it on the map below: